Mempercantik blog dengan Java Script

Text Jalan bolak balik lambat:
<marquee bgcolor=red behavior=alternate scrolldelay=280>bolakbalik lemot</marquee>

Text Jalan kebawah:
<marquee bgcolor=yellow direction=down>jalan kebawah</marquee>

Jalan bolak balik:
<marquee bgcolor=blue behavior=alternate>jalan bolakbalik</marquee>

Text jln kekanan:
<marquee bgcolor=green direction=right>jalan kekanan</marquee>

Text jln kekiri:
<marquee bgcolor=olive direction=left>mlaku nyang kiwo</marquee>

Text jln:
<marquee>jalan biasa</marquee>

Text jln keatas:
<marquee bgcolor=red font color=olive direction=up>jalan keatas</marquee>

<font color=”white”><SCRIPT language=javascript> todaysDate = new Date(); dayarray = new Array(“minggu”, “senen”, “sloso”, “rebo”, “kemis”, “jumat”, “setu”); montharray = new Array(“Januari”, “Februari”, “Maret”, “April”, “Mei”, “Juni”, “Juli”, “Agostos”, “September”, “Oktober”, “Nopember”, “Desember”); document.write(dayarray[todaysDate.getDay()] + “, ” + montharray[todaysDate.getMonth()] + ” ” + todaysDate.getDate() + “, “); if (todaysDate.getYear() <1000){ document.write(todaysDate.getYear() + 1900); } else { document.write(todaysDate.getYear()); } </SCRIPT> Text dlm kolom: <textarea>tulis text disini,by ojoy84 Text mengetik dipage:<META http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html”><style type=”text/css”><!— B { font-weight: bold } #ttl0 { position: absolute } .ttl1 { font: 8pt Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, serif } // —></style><script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”><!— /* * Copyright(c) 2008-2011. Cyberporan corp. All Rights Reserved. * * The script is for public use w/o warranty or support * of any kind. No function or any portion thereof aside * from writeOnText() and txtTyper() shall be used * or copied anywhere else without the author’s consent. * Violators will be prosecuted by the full extent of * the law. * * script title : Text Typer 4.0b * script domain : public * date created : 06/05/10 10:00PM * last update : 06/05/10 * * ojoy84 Cyberporan - * ”wong kaporan!” * * * * * End of Copyright u may remove the ff lines: * HISTORY: 1.0 only type texts… no support for * WAVs/other audio format * 1.0b support for NS plugins * 1.0c support for NS/IE plugins/activeX. * no activeX detection procedure was * made. * 2.0 rewrote the script. no support for sound. * different function * 2.5 added a parser so html tags could be used * (to a limited degree) * * DESCRIPTION: Mediocre script ;) This one types * a series of text letter-by-letter. * * SYNTAX: txtTyper(‘string’, 0, ‘style1’, ‘style2’, ‘normalcolor’, ‘typedcolor’, delay, playsound); * string - the message to be displayed * style1 - ID style * style2 - style of text inside style1 * normalcolor - final color of texts (unless string has html tags) * typedcolor - color of text while being written * delay - pause in millisecond between typing * playsound - 0 - no sound and 1 - play sound * */ var layers = document.layers, style = document.all, both = layers || style, idme=908601; if (layers) { layerRef = ‘document.layers’; styleRef = ”; } if (style) { layerRef = ‘document.all’; styleRef = ‘.style’; } function writeOnText(obj, str) { if (layers) with (document[obj]) {; document.write(str); document.close(); } if (style) eval(obj+’.innerHTML= str’); } var dispStr = new Array( ”SITUS INI BERISI APLIKASI <font color=#00FF00>(Symbian)</font> <br> DENGAN BAHASA JAWA YANG DIEDIT OLEH OJOY84.OJOY84 TIDAK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS PENYALAHGUNAAN ISI KONTEN YANG ANDA AMBIL DARI SITE<font color=#00FF00> OJOY84-CYBERPORAN</font><br><br> TERIMA KASIH </font>” ); var overMe=0; function txtTyper(str, idx, idObj, spObj, clr1, clr2, delay, plysnd) { var tmp0 = tmp1 = ”, skip = 0; if (both && idx <= str.length) { if (str.charAt(idx) == ‘<’) { while (str.charAt(idx) != ‘>’) idx++; idx++; } if (str.charAt(idx) == ‘&’ && str.charAt(idx+1) != ’ ‘) { while (str.charAt(idx) != ‘;’) idx++; idx++; } tmp0 = str.slice(0,idx); tmp1 = str.charAt(idx++); if (overMe==0 && plysnd==1) { if (navigator.plugins[0]) { if (navigator.plugins[“LiveAudio”][0].type==”audio/basic” && navigator.javaEnabled()) { document.embeds[0].stop(); setTimeout(“document.embeds[0].play(false)”,100); } } else if (document.all) { ding.Stop(); setTimeout(“ding.Run()”,100); } overMe=1; } else overMe=0; writeOnText(idObj, “<span class=”+spObj+”><font color=’”+clr1+”’>”+tmp0+”</font><font color=’”+clr2+”’>”+tmp1+”</font></span>”); setTimeout(“txtTyper(‘”+str+”’, “+idx+”, ‘”+idObj+”’, ‘”+spObj+”’, ‘”+clr1+”’, ‘”+clr2+”’, “+delay+” ,”+plysnd+”)”,delay); } } function init() { txtTyper(dispStr[0], 0, ‘ttl0’, ‘ttl1’, ‘#339933’, ‘#99FF33’, 50, 0); } // —> </script><BODY bgcolor=”#000000” text=”#339933” link=”#33FF00” alink=”#666666” vlink=”#666666” onload=”init()”><div id=ttl0 class=ttl1></div><!— <OBJECT id=”ding” CLASSID=”CLSID:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A” WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0><PARAM NAME=”ShowDisplay” VALUE=”0”><PARAM NAME=”ShowControls” VALUE=”0”><PARAM NAME=”AutoStart” VALUE=”0”><PARAM NAME=”FileName” VALUE=””><embed src=”” width=”37” height=”0” controls=”playbutton” hidden=”true” autostart=”false” alt=”“></OBJECT>—> Masukin no.Hp: <a href=”wtai://wp/mc;NoTLP”>tlp ojoy</a> TEXT UNGKAPAN,IN N OUT: <script language=”JavaScript”>alert(‘trimakasih kawan,aku bangga padamu’)</script> dan stlh out= <body onUnLoad=”alert(‘thanks ya bro?’);”> Title mengetik:<title> OJOY84|cyberporan </title><script xmls:space=”preserve”type=”text/javascript”><!— var tit=document.title;var c=0; function writetitle(){document.title=tit.substring(0,c);if(c==tit.length){c=0; setTimeout(“writetitle()”,500)}else{c++;setTimeout(“writetitle()”,200)}}writetitle()// —></script> Background Gbr diam: <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=”text/html;t=windows-1252”><body bgcolor=”#000000” link=”skyblue” vlink=”#CCCCCC” text=”#FFFFCC”><BODY onLoad=”TOfunc()”><script language=”JavaScript1.2”> /* Watermark Backgound Image Script- ? Dynamic Drive ( For full source code, 100’s more DHTML scripts, and TOS, visit */ if (document.all||document.getElementById)”url(‘’) black center no-repeat fixed” </script> auto refresh halaman: <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”1;url=http://URL_TJUAN”/> IFRAME: <iframe src=”” scrolling=”no” width=”200” frame border=”0”></iframe> ONclick: <a onclick=”‘http://urlIKLAN’)” href=”http://urlASLI”>NAMA</a> Total tamu: <a href=”” target=”_top”><img border=”0” alt=”Free Counters” src=”” ALIGN=”middle” HSPACE=”4” VSPACE=”2”></a><script src=></script> Tgl n jam: <font color=”lime”><script type=”text/javascript”> function startTime() { var today=new Date(); var h=today.getHours(); var m=today.getMinutes(); var s=today.getSeconds(); // add a zero in front of numbers<10 m=checkTime(m); s=checkTime(s); document.getElementById(‘txt’).innerHTML=h+”:”+m+”:”+s; t=setTimeout(‘startTime()’,500); } function checkTime(i) { if (i<10) { i=”0” + i; } return i; } </script> <body onload=”startTime()”> <div id=”txt”></div> <SCRIPT language=javascript> todaysDate = new Date(); dayarray = new Array(“minggu”, “senen”, “sloso”, “rebo”, “kemis”, “jumat”, “setu”); montharray = new Array(“Januari”, “Februari”, “Maret”, “April”, “Mei”, “Juni”, “Juli”, “Agostos”, “September”, “Oktober”, “Nopember”, “Desember”); document.write(dayarray[todaysDate.getDay()] + “, ” + montharray[todaysDate.getMonth()] + ” ” + todaysDate.getDate() + “, “); if (todaysDate.getYear() <1000){ document.write(todaysDate.getYear() + 1900); } else { document.write(todaysDate.getYear()); } </SCRIPT></font>Icon halaman: <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=””>
